Robin Tasin
2  år  Mo Bro

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Min motivering

Jag samlar in pengar för och ökar medvetenheten om mäns hälsa i movember för alla pappor, bröder, söner och vänner i våra liv. Jag behöver din hjälp. Skänk pengar till förmån för mäns hälsa.

Hur jag får
Lamborghini Stockholm
Teamkapten Peter Jurland
160.176 kr Teamets insamlade donationer
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119 veckor sedan

You don’t have to be alone, you don’t have to do everything on your own.
We spoke to Eve - Grammy winner, actress, wife and mother – for the second chapter of our Movember story. It was fascinating to see the angle of male mental health through a female lens. And we learned a crucial lesson: we are all humans who are not unbreakable and that it takes courage to talk openly about our issues.

120 veckor sedan

Being brave doesn’t mean you are unbreakable.
For the second year in a row, we support Movember, and we decided to do so by talking about male mental health from both sides, gaining the female and male perspective.
This is the first part of our story: a conversation with Maximillion Cooper, entrepreneur, husband, and father. It was a great chat and a meaningful way to share important thoughts that involve not just men, but all of us.

122 veckor sedan

Hello Movember Bulls!
Have you checked out the Movember Online Auction that we're running this year??
Follow the link and start placing your bids!!

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